Wall-Wise: Can I Use Redi-Rock to Repair a Failing Retaining Wall?
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As the owner of a property needing repairing or replacing a retaining wall, you are faced with the daunting task of coming up with a solution that will promptly remedy the wall. The last thing you want to deal with is another wall failure, so it’s important to get the job done rapidly and right.
The Base Course
Short on time? Here are this article’s key takeaways…
Some scenarios allow you to address a failing retaining wall without removing it by installing a Redi-Rock solution in front of it.
Upgrade aesthetics with Redi-Rock giving your project a lasting look.
A properly installed Redi-Rock wall can provide up to a century of service, so you won’t need another new retaining wall anytime soon.
You’ll feel like a project protector by selecting a lifetime Redi-Rock solution that will restabilize your site.
Repair failing retaining walls without actually removing them
An efficient solution for remedying failing retaining walls, especially for challenging site scenarios, is to build a Redi-Rock wall fronting a failing retaining wall. This innovative feat can be accomplished by building a Redi-Rock gravity wall. Redi-Rock gravity walls harness the sheer mass of each block to secure the earth effectively. Designed and installed with minimal space between the walls, they minimize the need for aggregate and reduce material delivery fees. Gravity walls can be installed quickly with a small crew and do not require geogrid reinforcement. This allows work to be done where access is limited and project disturbance lines are narrow. Redi-Rock gravity walls can safely reach heights up to 20 ft (6.1 m) and are available in various texture options.
For projects requiring taller and more robust walls, Redi-Rock offers Mechanically Stabilized Earth - or MSE retaining walls with Redi-Rock Positive Connection (PC) blocks as a smart solution. Redi-Rock MSE walls are reinforced with geogrid or earth anchors to support heavy live loads and can be constructed to heights over 50 ft (15.2 m) within an extremely tight footprint, making this application ideal for reinforcing taller and larger loads.
Are you unsure if your wall requires repair or replacement? Contact your local wall installer or structural engineer, or consult with the Redi-Rock engineering team at engineering@asterbrands.com and/or 1-888-222-8400.
Upgrade project aesthetics
We know you aren’t thrilled about repairing or replacing your initial wall investment. We also know that choosing Redi-Rock will provide you with a solution that goes beyond functionality and reliability, ensuring you won’t have to oversee the same restoration again. With a palette of five textures and various colors available, you’ll be able to mimic the look of natural stone and integrate your wall seamlessly with the landscaping and architecture of your property. With over 130 Redi-Rock manufacturers worldwide, check with your local producer for available texture and product options. Our manufacturers will also be able to discuss retaining wall costs with you so you can be even more informed about the scope of your project.
Wet cast is the way
You can have confidence in your wall, as all Redi-Rock products are made of durable wet cast concrete and cured to impressive strengths. Unlike dry cast retaining wall products, wet cast concrete products are weatherproof, easy to maintain, and are genuinely all-season blocks. They perform better in regions that experience freeze-thaw cycles and can be applied expertly in marine applications. With natural-looking patterns and textures wet cast also makes a lasting impression.
Be a Project Protector
It’s easy to feel like you’ve made a mistake choosing the original retaining wall product you’re now seeking to repair or replace. Retaining walls can fail for various reasons, including product failure, improper design, faulty installation, changing loading conditions, etc. Redi-Rock is engineered to be a creative solution to challenging scenarios, and its installation is simple and straightforward, eliminating the chance you’ll need another wall.
Don’t let a failing retaining wall get you down. Explore the advantages of Redi-Rock for your project and understand the lifetime solutions available to you. Take the first step to becoming a project protector and dig into our handy guide outlining the simple process of designing, pricing, purchasing, and installing a Redi-Rock retaining wall.
Want to see more?

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Redi-Rock Mechanically Stabilized Earth (MSE) wall saves investors millions by replacing a failing panel wall, saving a New York shopping center from closure.
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