Earth Pressure Theory Webinar

A Practical Review of Earth Pressure Theory & the Factors Affecting Earth-Pressure Retaining Structures Presented by Dr. Stanley Vitton of Michigan Tech

Webinar Overview

In his presentation, Dr. Stanley Vitton reviews Earth Pressure Theory. He shares insight into when Rankine's and Coulomb's theories should and should not be applied, as well as highlights a few of his go-to resources. After unfolding theory, Dr. Vitton dives into a case study of a landslide in Birmingham, Alabama to bring all of the theory into practice.

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More About the Presenter

Stan Vitton, Ph.D., P.E., is a Professor at Michigan Technological University in the Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering and an Adjunct Professor in the Department of Geological & Mining Engineering & Geosciences. He obtained his BSE in Geological Engineering and MSE in Mining Engineering at Michigan Tech. His Ph.D. degree is in civil engineering, specializing in geotechnical engineering, from the University of Michigan.

In addition to his academic duties, he is a consultant to the Civil, Mining, and Petroleum industry. Before academia, he spent eight years with the Shell Oil Company in their mining division. While at Shell, he was the engineering manager for Shell's subsidiary, the R&F Coal Company, and a senior mining engineer with the Shell Mining Company on mining projects in the eastern and western United States.

His research is in the area of applied geomechanics specializing in geotechnical asset management, the stability of abandoned underground mines, high strain rate mechanics applied to transportation aggregate assessment and rock blasting. He teaches courses in geotechnical engineering, rock engineering for civil engineers, foundation design and advanced geotechnical engineering.

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