Redi-Rock Wall+ Software (RRWall+)
When designing a retaining wall, you're tasked with creating buildable space while providing peace of mind. We know that designing a structurally sound retaining wall that's within budget is a tall task. It's why we partnered with the experts at Fine Software, the developers of the GEO5 geotechnical suite of programs, to create the BEST software possible for designing Redi-Rock walls.
Design and Analyze Redi-Rock Gravity & MSE Walls
Thousands of engineers over the years have used Redi-Rock software to tackle their toughest design challenges, and we continue to work with Fine to improve the software year after year. The latest edition, RRWall+, is a FREE tool available in six languages (English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish) for designing and analyzing Redi-Rock gravity and MSE walls with the Positive Connection (PC) blocks.
Based on the GEO5 platform of geotechnical engineering software, with RRWall+ you'll be able to:
- Select specific design standards like ASD, LRFD (US), Eurocodes, and many other international standards, or custom standards
- Model various site conditions including soil layers, load types & locations, water conditions, and seismic
- Analyze for slope stability and bearing capacity

Step-by-Step Video Tutorials
What good is a tool if you don't know how to use it? Watch the step-by-step video tutorials that walk you through the easy-to-use, top-down workflow of RRWall+. After viewing, you'll know just how to get your project started!
Why Do Engineers Love RRWall+?

Easy-to-Use, Top-Down Workflow
For an extremely robust tool, RRWall+ is still easy to use. Available in six languages (English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish) the program allows you to:
- Easily track and edit inputs to explore your model's sensitivity to various load conditions and optimize your wall section
- Analyze different design conditions in one project file

Select Design Standards
With RRWall+, you can choose from pre-defined standards including ASD, LRFD (US), Eurocodes, and many international standards – or create user-defined custom standards. You're never "stuck" with a generic option.

Create Accurate Models
The robust input options allow you to:
- Select soil layers appropriate to your site
- Use various terrain profiles at the top and bottom of your wall
- Define water conditions in front of and behind your wall
- Apply different types and locations of surcharge loads
- Factor in earthquake conditions
- Add notes and descriptions to the wall section

Customize Your Reports
After all the designing and analyzing is complete, it's time to create a report that documents your work. RRWall+ allows you to decide which calculations and graphics to include in your report. With the option to print PDFs or export Word documents, you'll be able to share your work the way you want to.
Design and Analyze Redi-Rock Walls with Confidence
Fine has been developing and supplying structural and geotechnical engineering software since 1989. The geotechnical software package GEO5 consists of 35 individual programs and is designed to solve a majority of geotechnical problems from common tasks up to highly sophisticated applications. The GEO5 software is available in 20 languages and is now used by 7,000 companies in 140 countries worldwide.

FEM Tunnel


Slope Stability

GEO5 Redi-Rock Wall Professional Package
If you're looking to invest in a more comprehensive option, the GEO5 Redi-Rock Wall Professional Package offers more programs from the GEO5 suite of software to help with all aspects of wall design. The new Stratigraphy program allows users to calculate volumes for excavation and earthwork, as well as model landslides with the designed wall. Unlimited access to the Slope Stability, Spread Footing and Prefab Wall programs help with calculation of any other walls or slopes, not just Redi-Rock walls.
Contact US reseller (Gintegro) or Fine headquarters.