Gravity walls rely on their blocks' mass to withstand the pressure of the earth without the need for reinforcement—giving you the power to tackle tough terrain.

Gravity walls offer fast installation, lifetime durability, and rock-solid performance

image of redi-rock ledgestone retaining wall with buildings on top and next to woods

Achieve Tall Heights

The massive weight of the blocks and patented knob and groove technology provide the resistance to hold back the earth to achieve design heights over 20 ft (6 m) in certain scenarios without tiebacks.

image of ledgestone redi-rock wall close to house

Maximize Usable Space

Without the need for geogrid reinforcement and the excavation that comes along with it, you can construct walls closer to property lines, opening up more usable space.

Installing ledgestone texture block

Install Quickly with a Small Crew

With a properly-rated piece of machinery, crews of two to three can lift and set 5.75 - 11.5 square ft (0.5 - 1 square m) with each block. That adds up fast!

Will a Gravity Wall Work for My Project?

Explore the difference a gravity wall can make for your project?

Learn About Gravity Walls

Explore the heights, setbacks, and embedment requirements for gravity walls.

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How to Install Gravity Retaining Walls

Installing Redi-Rock gravity walls is quick and simple. The blocks interlock seamlessly and can be placed using standard machinery, requiring only a small crew.

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Available in Great Textures

With Redi-Rock’s deeply grooved, handcrafted texture options, you won’t have to settle for an ugly retaining wall.

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